
The Trilby Suite Pilot Program officially launched!


Since 2023, we've been working weekly with pilot participants to get familiar with Trilby Suite. Their feedback is turned into to-do's for our team. The changes are making a better product for everyone. It's a win-win-win! 


We plan to spend the rest of Spring 2024 in the pilot phase, depending on the amount of feedback we receive for must-have functionality and changes prior to the official launch of the system. The public release will immediately follow the pilot. 


Participant feedback will form the final product that they, and others in the field of international education, will use on a day-to-day basis, leaving a lasting impact on the future of international edtech. 

Sign-up for the Community

Stay up-to-date with our progress, network with your colleagues, and help us define the future of JB International. Throw your ideas out there, ask questions, answer polls, share challenges, etc. 

This is our space to create work we can all be proud of. 

Stay in the loop

We continuously invest in the field throughout the year by sponsoring, presenting at, and hosting events. 

Keep tabs on what we're up to and add items to your own calendar.

Join us

This live-coding event will take place on zoom every other month on the third Thursday of the month, with a featured cocktail (mocktail) you can recreate at home. Give us input in real-time as we pull together a piece of the system to your liking. Zoom info in the calendar invite.

 It’s the most interactive, slightly tipsy, podcast-y type thing you’ll ever be a part of, we think.